El árbol (वृक्ष, vṛkṣa) del conocimiento [v]

El árbol es verde.
El cielo es azul.
La manzana es roja.

Uno de los objetivos de mi vida es ayudar a unir y hacer crecer el árbol del conocimiento.

If this disturbs you, you may not want to spend time on this website. If you know John personally, please call him to discuss the issue personally before taking any further actions on the issue. This topic has caused death, battles, and Wars throughout history, and we don’t want to incite or fuel any of that.

For that reason, please comment if you feel this page should be taken down. We don’t have any scientific evidence to sway us one way or the other; and in such an absence, we err on the side of transparency.

One thought on “El árbol (वृक्ष, vṛkṣa) del conocimiento [v]

  1. Pingback: Love 天 Learnיא Live वृक्ष | [droid sh0t 7-11]

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